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How to be good at football – 2019 Guide For Kids

If you love to play football, but you’re not very good at it, probably all you need are a few tips to improve. Practicing the right way will make you a better player in just a few weeks, as long as you’re consistent and disciplined. Learn to be good at football.

How good can you become? Well, it’s true that if you don’t have a natural talent you may not become the best of your friends, but you will have a level of play good enough for everyone to consider you a reliable player on the pitch, and want to have you on their team. So don’t wait any longer; start training today with these special recommendations Sports Domain Lab prepared for you.

Steps to be good in football

1. Run three or four days a week. A key factor to being good at football is having a physical condition that allows you to run all over the field for the entire game. If your body is not prepared for this, no matter how much you practice the techniques of hitting and ball control: your performance on the field will not be good.

2. Spend some time each day jogging with the ball as close to your feet as possible.  If you need to start at a really slow speed, do it. The goal here is not really to exercise while jogging, but to concentrate on watching the ball roll in front of you by pushing it with your feet, and to learn to push it always with just enough force so that it doesn’t go far and you can keep it in your power as you move around the court.

3. Also on a daily basis, you should practice throwing passes against the wall, always responding with a single touch. Stand in front of any wall, kick the ball with medium force and react quickly to kick it again when it returns to your feet.

4. The next thing you need to practice is shooting at goal. If you don’t have a real court where you can practice, a stretch of wall can work for this as well. Just make sure you somehow mark the posts so you can train your aim in a well-marked frame.

5. Now that you have the basic skills to have a good game on the court, the next thing you need to develop is your sense of direction on the field and confront your opponents.

6. Play with other friends whenever you can. To deepen your technique with more moves than we describe here as a summary, you only need to study the variations made with them by the most skillful players.

7. As you practice, watch, and learn football, make sure you’re having fun. You’ll never be completely good if you don’t enjoy every second you spend on the field, even if you’re not very good yet. Keep in mind that if you are interested in this sport for many years, you need to learn little by little so that you are always passionate about the game and do not get tired of enjoying it. If you only think about goals instead of enjoying while you practice, you won’t get to the end of the process. Be patient with yourself, though, while still making demands on your training.