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Insulating Your Heating Ducts in Midland Texas

If you’ve got a relatively older building, we’re sure that your cooling and heating system has seen days full of life. However, it might be a great idea to completely replace your system or even upgrade in order to work on your energy efficiency. When you reduce your energy efficiency, it significantly reduces your bills at the end of the month. Our article features some key information for insulating your heating ducts.

If your ductwork is located in a dusty attic in Midand, TX, there’s a high possibility that the scorching summer heat is forcing your cooling system to put in extra work to keep your surroundings cool. However, this particular job leaves you working with fiberglass so it’s essential that you keep yourself protected with goggles, an approved dust mask and protective clothing. When it comes to insulating your HVAC ductwork, you’re going to need to use R-6 or any higher R-value fiberglass foil faced insulation.

You’re also going to need to use duct tape that is of the metallic foil type and trusted by insulation manufacturers in order to properly seal your insulated places. However, before you can get to work, you’re also going to need to ensure that your insulation foil surface is completely free of dust before you can successfully apply any tape. As you start, you’ll need to peel the backing off of your tape and apply it in such a manner to avoid your tape sticking to itself.

If the current condition of your duct insulation is in pretty great condition all you’re really going to need to do is apply a small layer of new insulation over it. However, if the insulation is in a bad condition, you’ll need to completely replace it. When replacing the insulation, you’ll need to ensure that you perform the installation with the foil side facing out.

In order to do this, you’re going to need to cut your insulation with a sharp knife to the perfect length and thickness. This is done so that the insulation can fit around the duct without the fiberglass being compressed. Next, you’re going to need to apply pieces of tape across your insulation seam in order to hold it firmly in place. Now you can properly seal the complete length with a long strip of tape.

If you’ve got sections of insulation which are joined together, you can apply tape around the duct joints as you slide the tape under the duct. After you’ve done that, you can now peel the backing off when it’s in the ideal position. At this point, you’re going to need to cut and fit your insulation together at the branch lines. This is the point in your duct where the register easily comes off the main trunk line; when you’re finished, be sure to recheck the seams and joints to ensure that the foil is facing the insulation and that every seam has been sealed with the tape.

As we conclude, we have just looked at how to insulate your heating ducts. We have also looked at how to replace your insulation. For all your Midland HVAC needs make sure you hire the best professionals who can get the job done efficiently. Remember, be sure that everything is properly sealed to prevent outside moisture from coming in!