Boston Sports Extra

An Open Letter to a Patriots Legend

The Perfect Time to Express my Feelings

About a True Patriot

It is hard to believe you are no longer a part of the game. You have given the fans of New England so many memories to cherish. I remember the day you first entered Patriots training camp.  Just amazing to watch.

My initial impression?  No way that someone that enormous could play the game, but boy was I wrong. As a physical specimen, you had it all: size, speed, strength.  But your most admirable quality was an insatiable will to win at all costs.

I followed your career as a Patriot from start to finish. You never left me short of breathless at your performance, tenacity and grit. When you left New England, out of admiration I continued to watch you play any chance I could.

As a lifelong Pat’s fan, I have memories dating back to the Steve Grogan and Mosi Tatupu days right on up to today’s age of Tom Brady and Rob Gronkowski. However, as much I’ve enjoyed all of the greats throughout time I always found you, my man, the most exciting to watch.  On top of that, you won and lost with grace. You were a leader. You had an infectious smile, respected by your teammates, coaches and certainly your fans.

New England is a blue-collar place, and your workmanlike job in the trenches did not go unappreciated, especially by this fan.  And though your tenure in Foxborough was somewhat short, you made a gigantic impact on all things Patriots football. How could you not?

Before I get too emotional, let me just say thank you for everything you did for this organization. The Patriots have not and will not be the same without you, Eugene Chung.

God bless and God speed, big fella.


P.S. Hold up, Wilfork retired?

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