10 Signs You Are Obsessed with The Beach

If you love the sound of the waves hitting the beach, or witnessing the sun setting beautifully over the horizon, you are not alone. The sandy beach is a place loved and visited by many. The first hit of the summer air and the initial thought that pops up in peoples’ minds is, ‘Let’s plan a beach picnic!’

The seaside is a great way to relax and unwind. Whether it’s grabbing your fishing kayak and spending some time in the water or laying out in the sun. Connecting with nature and its healing powers is effective in reducing stress and calming your nerves. After a strenuous week at work, planning a weekend beach trip with your friends and family will surely soothe your burdened mind. But if you pick up your wakeboard and run to the beach every weekend, then you are admittedly obsessed with the seaside.

In this article, we will list down ten signs that you are obsessed with the shore:

1. You Love Sandcastles:

Playing with sand is known to reduce anxiety and stress. Building sandcastles can be therapeutic to your mind and body. It is also a great way to pull out your creative skills. Who says playing with sand is just for the kids? Take with you some shovels and buckets, and spend your time building extravagant sandcastles at the beach. If you have a knack for building sandcastles, and love doing it, then you undoubtedly are a beach person. Just make sure the sea waves don’t wash your sandcastle away while you build it, which would be very annoying.

2. Sunbathing Is Your Favorite Pastime:

Soaking in the sun rays is excellent in enhancing your vitamin D levels. Sunshine is the best resource for providing vitamin D to your body. During winters, sunbathing also gives your body warmth and aids in maintaining your body temperature. Lying in the sun to fight cold weather is often prevalent in people living in chillier regions.

Sunbathing is an advantageous hobby since it provides you with health benefits as well. However, if you are someone who chooses to sunbathe over all other recreational hobbies, then you are way too addicted to the beach.

3. You Love Collecting Seashells:

Seashells are hard outer layers of tiny sea animals. The animals use it to protect themselves from harm and danger. Empty seashells often wash over to the beach when the animal inside is either killed by another creature or is dead. Keeping the definition aside, people often have a hobby of collecting seashells. We have all one time, or another, have picked up an exquisite looking seashell from the beach and decided to take it home with us. However, if you are someone who has an eerily large number of seashell collections at home, then you are a beach addict.

4. You Wish to Own A Beachside House:

Ever dreamt of living on the seaside? Ever planned to save money and buy a tiny and cozy hut on the beach? Spending time on the shore is entertaining; you can do a pile of fun activities with your friends. The sunny weather and the calm atmosphere are relaxing. After the hectic routine of a busy life and devoting, days and months make you want to run away and live an experience somewhere quiet and peaceful. At the end of a fun picnic, you could, for a moment, wish to live on the beach and never go back. On the contrary, believing that this idea may be workable or devising a plan to purchase a beach hut is just another level of having a seaside obsession. 

5. Beach Flip-Flops Are Your Favorite Footwear:

The most convenient and comforting style of footwear is the flip-flop. It provides ease when walking and doesn’t put much strain on the feet. Walking on the sandy beach is challenging. Wearing heavy shoes or petite sandals would make it very tough to walk since the shoe sinks in the sand. The sand may also ruin your pretty shoes. Flip-flops are the most appropriate footwear for the beach. They are light-weighted and soft, which makes it comfortable for you to walk in them. If you love wearing flip-flops and own a ton of them, it shows a sign that you adore the beach attire and can’t get enough of it.

6. You Can Spend Hours Walking on The Beach:

Walks on the beach are soothing. Letting the waves wash over the beach and touch your feet, while you take a stroll breathing in the sun-kissed breeze is utterly calming. However, for some people, long walks on the beach can be a tad bit strenuous as well because of the wet sand. If you can walk on the beach for hours without getting tired, then the beach is, undeniably, your first love.

7. The Beach Is Your First Preference Whenever Planning A Trip:

Do you find yourself suggesting the beach whenever your friends or family ask where to go for a day out? Do your friends or family reject your suggestion because the last time you all visited the beach was just a week ago? If you often find yourself in such a situation, then your obsession with the seaside is quite evident. Your admiration for the beach does not let you get enough of it. You continuously keep searching for opportunities to visit the beach

8. You Love Splashing in The Beach Waves:

One thing is for sure; splashing in the water is not just for the kids. Having fun around in the playful waves is a great way to spend your time on the beach. It is fun, relaxing, and an excellent means to destress. If you love going to the beach, you must surely be obsessed with the beach waves. However, if the first thing you do when stepping on the beach is dive into the sea, then you are obsessed with the seaside.

9. It Is Tiring to Wait for The Summers:

Summer means sunny weather, and that implies more beach trips! We all love the sun and its bright sun rays in all their glory. But if you are someone who anxiously waits for the summers all year long, and runs to the beach at the first summer wave, you are a seashore lover.

10. Your Beach Body Is Always Ready:

One thing most people get nervous about when it comes to beach trips is their beach body. Outings to the seaside mean wearing your trunks, swimsuits, etc. Swimwear is often revealing, and you might get uncomfortable wearing them. Swimsuits are the reason why people spend days working on achieving a perfect beach body before the summers arrive. However, if you do not have to fret about that, and are always ready with your beach body, then you are undoubtedly obsessed with the beach.


Beach trips are fun and relaxing. Being obsessed with the beach is just your way of telling people you are a cheerful and energetic person. If someone tries to make you uncomfortable for your beach fervor, tell them the sun is good for the body and the waves for the soul!

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