5 Little League Fall Ball Essentials

As August comes to a close, the end of the Major League Baseball season comes into focus. The final rally of the playoffs and World Series has plenty of excitement left in store, but what will fill the gap left by the teams that don’t make the post-season? Fall Ball of course! Here are 5 essentials you’ll need to make the most out of your Little Leaguer’s fall season. 

1. Bleacher Cushions

First things first: you need to be comfortable. Whoever designed the metal bleacher certainly didn’t have comfort high up on their list. Or navigability. While we may be shuffling in and out across our seat-neighbor’s legs for the rest of time, we can at least solve the comfort issue with a bleacher cushion. Mark your seat territory with one of these and settle in for 9 innings of being able to feel your legs.

2. Trading Pins

Trading pins are a Little League and baseball tradition going back more than a hundred years. Get some custom baseball trading pins made for your Little Leaguer’s team and have them swap with other teams in the league for some good ol’ fashioned inter-team sportsmanship and bonding. 

3. Sunflower Seeds

There is no baseball without sunflower seeds. It’s just science. A staple in dugouts for over 50 years, nothing brings the atmosphere of the ball game like popping a couple dozen seeds in your mouth and eating them as the ball players do. Or pour them on the nearest guy doing push-ups. Your call.

4. Team Hats & Flags

There’s nothing like being the (potentially embarrassing) superfan for your kid’s team. Let all of the other parents know exactly which team your kid is on with by decking yourself out in hats, flags, towels, and whatever else you can get the team logo on.

5. Personal Scorecard

This one’s for the real baseball nerds. Watch the game like granddad did and keep up with the action on your own scorecard. We all know the highschool kid in charge of the scoreboard can’t be trusted. Plus, arguing with the home plate umpire is a lot more rewarding when you have notes

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