8 Unknown Facts about Chinese Girls

You might not be aware about it, but dating is different in China compared to other Western countries. Basics are same—you will find people everywhere—and there are some differences about social and culture cues to note. 


1. Can You Find Any Difference between the Chinese Women?


Chinese girls from the mainland China are different from the Chinese girls you will meet in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and who grew up abroad. In this post, we are focusing on what you can expect when you are dating Chinese girls from mainland China.


2. Chinese Women Won’t Talk Much 


Chinese girls are not an open book. And they will take their own time to have trust in you, and become confident, or talk about their dreams and feelings. So do not take this personally, it’s the cultural thing. They’re generally reserved people and share their intimacy only with the people that matters to them. It means if they begin talking about their private matters with you, then they are totally inyou.


3. They Have Temper


In spite of what we have heard of kindness in Chinese people (that is true), ladies will get mad out there. But, it isn’t the big deal having temper there so you need to be well prepared for this. It is not that far different than what you saw in your world, however, you will be shocked seeing what will come out of the small andcute mouths when you first witness it.


4. Every Chinese Women aren’t same


Each person in their nationality and color is very unique in their way. Although there are times when it comes about nationality, people will have same etiquette or mannerisms due to nationwide cultural influence and that is perfectly normal even in Chinese mail order brides.


5. Dating Chinese Girls


When you are dating Chinese girls, you won’t believe that just because some are well known for some accomplishments does not mean that the whole Chinese population is the same. So, here are a few common misconceptions of Chinese women personalities:

  • Becauseyour girlfriend is from China, you cannot expect she knows to cook each and every Chinese dish. Not everybody has that passion for cooking.
  • Many times people think they are submissive when actually; they need some time to get a bit comfortable with you.
  • Don’t think all Chinese women are same as they are not. Although everyone may have certain similarities due to culture, but they are unique from each other with various preferences and personalities

6.  Chinese Do Not Compliments



Chinese girls areas you know; above all, they are not used to getting any kind of compliments. They will have a really hard time to deal with your beautiful words so do not think it is because that did not appreciate to what you said – but they Chinese mail order brides,just do not understand how to behave, so they will commonly try and say you are wrong and minimize your compliment.


7. They Will Not Understand Jokes


Jokes are the cultural thing to know, and this tip generally works for intercultural relationship. You need to avoid if possible tellingany jokes or using sarcasm while talking to any Chinese girls as, many times; they will not get it right. They will not understand this context and, possibly, vocabulary needed to follow it rightly. Also, certain thing that you will find very amusing is considered as quite offensive by them. Thus, you must leave it all alone.


8. They Do Not Want to Get Hitched Soon


Suppose you are one with some commitment issues, ensure that Chinese girls that you are dating (want to date) will have an exception to this rule.Ladies in China are prepared getting married as early as possible, so they may question your intentions from the beginning itself. Thus, they do not look for boyfriend, but a potential husband and become Chinese mail order brides.


Like I said, it’s simple to stereotype the whole population when writing this kind of post;however, there is not any way around. Still, most of things above are possible to be true for Chinese girls. Thus use these tips wisely, as the background information and you will not get very surprised whenever you see such things happening. Happy datingChinese girls!

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