Are Your Bags An Easy Target – Lock them!

The Boston Celtics will travel more miles than any other NBA team during the season 2019-20. Some have suggested this will be good for team bonding. Others worry about frictions. Some are more concerned about the many days away from family. These concerns are not specific for professional sports team. Anyone who travels for pleasure or business, can relate to these issues. But there are also more practical concerns like safety. Some have the privilege of private flights but most of use try to find the cheapest flight tickets. To get a cheaper ticket we must often compromise on comfort. Longer transits, odd flight hours and sometimes even dodge airlines. Low-budget flights often require some extra safety measures.

One important question is how to make sure your luggage is safe while staying overnight at airports. Did you ever have anything stolen from your luggage while traveling? We hope not. Maybe you have been lucky or you have done like many others and made sure you have solid locks on your suitcases. If you realize you belong to the lucky crowd then this article is for you!

If you never truly considered the advantages of using locks on your bags when on the go, here are a few arguments and practical tips that will help you stay safe while traveling!

Some Starting Points

  • A locked bag or suitcase will first of all give you more peace of mind. You will know you will have done something more to keep your personal belongings safe and protected against potential threats. Since there are usually thousands of people inside an airport, your luggage will be exposed to many risks, including theft or vandalism. Do not let anyone or anything ruin your trip even before it begins.
  • Buy separate locks suitable for your suitcases and have them installed professionals. Best practice is to get in contact with a local locksmith specialised in TSA. The Locksmiths Locator has nationwide service 24/7 and can give the best advice as they are up to date both with airport regulations and personal safety concerns.

But any lock is better than no lock at all. You don’t need any high-tech locks to increase your safety. A TSA lock should not be more than $15. If your budget is limited you don’t have to worry about having to spend an arm and a leg on this particular investment. Even a simple and affordable lock for bags can do an excellent job at maintaining your luggage closed securely. Locks tend to be powerful deterrents against thieves, so make sure you give the idea some serious thought. It will cost you little money and the effort of having them installed will be at a minimum.

  • If you need to travel together with some important papers, expensive jewelry, watches, laptops, and other electronic devices, or designer bags and clothes, you will definitely want to take some extra precaution measures.

Are You Allowed To Travel With Locked Bags?

The matter of locking checked bags at the airport is simpler than you might think. Most people fear that airport security will not allow them to travel with locks on their checked luggage. In reality, you are allowed to lock your suitcases, as long as you will accurately follow all TSA regulations in this regard, again your local locksmith will be able to advise on this!

TSA Regulations Concerning Locked Luggage

  • When you are traveling in the US, the TSA is the body that sets the guidelines for baggage for safety reasons for passengers. So you will need to comply with their regulations. Be prepared to have all of your checked bags screened through electronic screeners. When TSA inspectors decide a bag needs physical inspection, you will need to have your small key readily available and use it to unlock your bags.
  • A TSA inspector is also allowed to break the lock in order to inspect your luggage. After the inspection, they will place a notice inside your luggage to inform you of the inspection.
  • The best luggage manufacturers focus on making TSA-approved locks that can be opened a lot simpler. Look for the ‘safe skies’ or ‘travel sentry’ logos if you wish to buy TSA-approved locks. Opting for a combination lock means using a master key lock. TSA inspectors have their own master keys that enable them to gain access to the interior of your luggage. Should these locks be broken the TSA screener for some reason, the manufacturers will replace the locks at no cost.
  • You can also opt for luggage straps that will prevent your bags from accidentally opening. Soft or hard-sided luggage with locks that are TSA-approved, plastic cables and zip-ties are additional alternatives you can try.

There is really nothing worse than arriving to your destination after a long flight, only to discover your luggage was stolen. Bags with locks are less likely to be stolen. Make sure your bag is not a target – lock it!

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