Best Ways a Professional Football Player Can Manage Studies and Playing Football

If you are a professional footballer out to attain academic qualifications simultaneously, you might find yourself in unfamiliar territory. 

However, this might be necessary. Because sporting careers are highly unpredictable, it’s always smart to have professional qualifications as a backup plan. 

Sporting careers also tend to be short-lived. Having academic qualifications allows you to ease into a different career post-retirement.

The good news is that with proper planning and some hard work, you can manage both quite successfully. 

Here are some pointers to get you started.

Get Organized

Without good organizational skills, one of your roles will suffer as you will have clashes in your schedule, miss deadlines and fall behind on your course work. 

It might be helpful to get a big desk calendar or a diary. 

Here, ensure to note down all sporting activities you have for the week. Also, enter your classes, assignments and exams alongside their due dates.

It’s advisable to have one scheduler as this allows you to see everything you have scheduled at one glance. Having several schedulers can get complicated, is tedious, and can leave you vulnerable to scheduling errors. 

Manage Your Time Optimally

Begin by highlight the known hours. 

These are the times with definitive schedules such as playtime, class time, and travel time.

With these in mind, you get a clear picture of what available time you have and can then fill these up with study time, assignments, and so on. 

Consider Getting Help

Despite your sound scheduling skills, you might find last-minute changes in your football schedule now and then.

While these might not be a big deal to others, it might be to you as it can then clash with class assignments. 

Today, there are websites specifically designed for students in your position. Follow this link to connect with professional writers when you need assistance.

Use Weekends Optimally

If you do not have a game over the weekends, use this time to catch up on course work. 

You can review notes of topics ahead of time, start or clear homework and even get a head start on your end of semester assignments. 

Doing as much as you can whenever possible, can clear up your schedule for recreation and social activities. Use this as an incentive. 

As much as possible, try to clear work ahead of time so that you are better placed to adjust to schedule changes.

Study Smart

Because you are limited on time, studying smart helps you get more done within short timelines. 

To study smart, evaluate your learning personality. Assess things such as when you study best? Is this late night or early morning? Or is it after a good work out?

Evaluate your study style as well. Do you achieve more when studying solo or as part of an engaging study group session? 

Are you able to handle some course work when in transit? If so, what can you do best? Is it reading or something more involving like drafting your term paper? 

Assess all these factors and see how to work smart and get the best out of your tight schedule. 

Know When to Stop

Tune into yourself well enough to be able to discern when you are pushing the envelope on the field or in class. 

Pushing yourself too hard on the pitch can affect your performance at the next game. 

Equally studying all night for several consecutive nights can affect your ability to focus in class. 

At the end of the day, juggling a sport and studies works best if you are in great form physically, emotionally, and mentally.

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