Can you bet and play online casino in Massachusetts?

When it comes to online gambling, Massachusetts is one of the more progressive states. Lawmakers in the state are steadily behind an expansion of the state’s gambling industry but in a slow but progressive way. More brick and mortar casinos are bound to find their way into Massachusetts but currently the state has only four land-based gambling facilities.

In the year 2011, there was a go-ahead for casino construction fuelled by the Expanded Gaming Act. The Act was seen as a way, i.e. a new way to regulate in a safe manner, gaming, while the state gets to benefit through huge gambling tax revenues. In regard to online gambling, it is clear from all indicators that it is unavoidable. But, caution is been applied by lawmakers in the state of Massachusetts to further understand the workings of the online gambling industry before moving ahead with legislation towards making it legal in the state.

The question therefore is, what types of gambling is legal in Massachusetts? Most online gambling found in casinos are not authorized in the state even with various casino-styled games within its gambling establishments. Despite this, the state has made provisions for the placing of legally recognized online wagers by its residents through a few different gambling avenues.

Residents in the state of Massachusetts can place bets on horse and greyhound racing events online or they can place their bets through the three land-based gambling facilities. For sports enthusiasts, you can get a piece of some gambling action by legally placing bets through online fantasy sports betting. This form of popular sports gambling alternative is a huge wave that has spread over the country and is largely based on well informed game skills rather than chance. There are other online skill game platforms which residents of Massachusetts can play to win real cash prizes and even jackpots.

Most online casinos which are run by offshore gaming websites are not safe for you to play as they operate outside the US legal jurisdictions and so, your investments are fair game to them if lost. Although their sites are accessible by US citizens, this is not any indication that they are safe to play. There is a high tendency for the site owners to walk away with your funds or even any winnings your make on the site. This is in addition to it been a crime to play on any of these offshore gambling sites in the state of Massachusetts. You shall forfeit double of the value of the money or goods spent as long as it exceeds five dollars.

Online poker is illegal to play currently in the state of Massachusetts although there are indicators that a legislation will soon go through to make it legal. Many United States residents are already registered members and playing in offshore online poker rooms. The wideness of the internet makes it impossible to control what people can do when they turn on their computers and visit any site they want to. This has further pushed for making online gambling legal within the state.

When it comes to traditional sports betting, it is illegal in almost all states of the Union. Online sports betting is restricted to the sports betting alternative of fantasy sports. The state although steadily moving forward towards making online poker legal, does not seem to be making any headway towards making online sports betting legal. The state also prohibits this type of gambling in its physical casinos and it does not seem to be changing its mind in the near future.

Although as a Massachusetts resident you can’t currently enjoy online poker gambling rooms, online sports betting, all under online casinos, there are some places where we can place bets like online horse and online greyhound racing. The state has two live horse and greyhound racing tracks and these facilities with one more are available for residents to place their wagers. These racetracks all through the state Massachusetts history hold a huge sentimental value in the greyhound and horse racing industry. The Massachusetts Racing Commission in addition to the state’s Gaming Commission oversees the establishments. Although these race tracks are exciting  and give residents a historical experience, enthusiasts can enjoy the fun and place bets from home.

Bets and play on online casinos are illegal in the state of Massachusetts. Even the best online casino reviews are not enough to make lawmakers pass the necessary legislation to let residents play and place bets on any online casino without attracting a punishment for it. It is presently a crime which is punishable by forfeiting all wins, in double their value to the state. Although the wave of online casino gambling is steadily moving even towards Massachusetts, it still isn’t legally acceptable. This is cushioned by other avenues by which residents in the state can bet and play. There are horse and greyhound online play, there is also the sports betting which can be done on fantasy sports. Sports betting is illegal in most states in the Union and Massachusetts is no different.

So, head on over to one of the regular brick and mortar casino establishments to get the casino gambling experience you want whether the possibility of punishment like when you play online casino. There is still a ray of hope in the horizon for residents of Massachusetts when it comes to legislation towards making online gambling legal. It might not extend to sports betting at traditional sports but other avenues for online gambling are sure to be available.Hope your question has been answered and remember that taking as part in placing bets on offshore online casinos like online poker is an act that is punishable by law in the state of Massachusetts. Keep this in mind when you feel the need to gamble on any online platform. Instead, head over to the physical casinos and place your bets assured that your winnings will not be seized by the state.  

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