Know the different types of advertising brochures

In advertising, as in institutional communication (and in political and / or religious propaganda), it is common for companies to use advertising leaflets, also called advertising flyers, through which they send commercial messages to consumers. Today they have many choices to buy from as there are various brochure print services available on the Internet.

What is a flyer?

A flyer is one of the types of advertising brochures that we can use in the advertising of our company, business or professional service. Actually a flyer is the A6 format of a brochure, which is equivalent to an eighth leaf. However, today, when asked what a flyer is; it is usual for the answer to be “a brochure” or “an advertising flyer”; since its use is always associated with advertising.

Use of advertising leaflets or advertising flyers

Advertising brochures and mailing brochures are widely used in different advertising applications such as the distribution of mail-type advertising, mailing or sending business correspondence, in the distribution of advertising in hand (which is usually done on the street and also at the door of events, shopping malls and stores) and direct mail actions. By the way, only the advertising brochures of political parties or the church are propaganda leaflets; the rest are advertising ones.

Purpose of advertising brochures

The purpose of advertising brochures or flyers is to inform in an economic way -as the rates and budgets of distribution are much lower than the advertising made in the mass media- and segmented to a group of individuals previously geolocated by area of ​​residence. We can find different “modalities” that correspond to different types of brochures.

Advertising brochures should persuade, facilitate their consultation, include a headline that encourages action and transmits a brand image; so the design of advertising brochures is very important for all purposes. Of course, you can consult with us to create effective publicity brochures that generate a response by definition.

Type of advertising brochure

Diptych: This type has an A4 format (297 x 210 cm) and with a size of 135 gr / m2.

Triptych: This type has the same size as the diptych type even though the pattern is different and produces 3 commented faces.

Flyers: although we have used the word flyer on various occasions in the previous definition, there are people who understand it as a Din A5, half-folio brochure, and they also call it a leaflet. This is what is considered a “normal” brochure; although there may be many judgments about it.

Magazines: it is a booklet from various pages, put together in their media section.

Poming: This type has the shape of a hanger to allow its placement and reminds us. The shape is the same with the”Don’t disturb” hotel brochure.

Catalog: although the catalog is different from brochures because the catalog consists of various pages; in general they both have the same characteristics and goals; so we included it in this article because this is a reference now for the catalog of distribution of print advertisements and online catalogs that are currently widely used. In this case it is important to remember that printed catalogs, traditionally, have different uses than online catalogs because the ways in which people accept them are different. But both have similar energy costs.

You see? There are different types of advertising brochures. They all have the same main purpose; to advertise. But they work on different ways. Choose the one suitable with your needs.

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