Mobile Sports Betting in the 21st Century

Technology, especially mobile technology, has advanced, and continues to advance, at a rapid rate in the 21st century. This development is primarily driven by a phenomenon known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0 or 4IR). 

The Fourth Industrial Revolution and mobile technology

Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, defines 4IR as a “technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another.” In his book titled, “The Fourth Industrial Revolution,” Schwab goes on to state that Industry 4.0 is “characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.” 

The rapid development of mobile technologies, including screen resolution, processor speeds, has paved the way for mobile app development across all sectors of society, including online gambling and sports betting apps. 

The global income potential from mobile apps is projected at $581.9 billion (USD). And by 2023, it is expected to reach about $935.2 billion (USD). 

Mobile sports betting Apps: An in-depth look 

It is essential to note the difference between a native mobile app and an online web application. Here are several points to explain the difference between both software applications:

Firstly, the fundamental distinction between these two applications is the fact that a native mobile app can only be installed on a mobile device. At the same time, a generic web application can be run on any platform, including a desktop or laptop computer, as well as a mobile device such as a tablet and a smartphone.  

Secondly, a mobile sports betting app like Librabet is installed directly on the device, while the web app is an Internet-based application.  As an aside, the mobile app is only downloadable from the mobile device’s app store or directly from the brand’s website. 

A mobile app can be accessed without an Internet connection while a web app will only be accessible when the user has access to the Internet. However, sports betting apps are unique in the fact that they will always need a working Internet connection to place bets. 

Thirdly, the user interface will differ between the mobile app and the web application. A fundamental difference between the two applications is the screen size and resolution that each one is run on.

Even though technological enhancements have advanced to such an extent that a smartphone’s screen resolution is very high, it is still a mobile device. Most web applications have built-in functionality where the app automatically adjusts to the screen size. Even so, a native app’s usability and user interface are still better than a generic web app.

Not much has been said about a mobile app’s functionality. The mathematical algorithms that calculate the betting odds are the same in both a mobile app and a web app. If we use the analogy of a ship for a moment, the engine room is the same between two cargo ships owned by different companies. It’s just the look and feel that is different. It is precisely the same rationale behind the fundamental differences between the two applications. 

Final thoughts

 Consequently, it is preferable to download and install the mobile app from the sports betting company’s website rather than to access a web app from a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet.

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