Recourse for TBI Suffered as an Athlete

Athletes are dedicated, healthy, and happy individuals. However, being an athlete can also put you in dangerous situations. Understanding how to avoid injuries and ensure you’re playing on properties that are set up to keep you safe is essential when you’re constantly involved in sporting events.

Unfortunately, some injuries that can happen on the field are not only avoidable but can be life-changing. Traumatic Brain Injuries are one of the most tragic examples of this, and also one of the most damaging. There are many cases where field operators, athletic directors or individual athletes have caused other athletes to be afflicted with this devastating type of injury. If you ever find yourself in this situation, understanding what type of legal recourse is available to you is key. After all, the suffering you’ll be put through is likely not your fault. 

Your Injury is Life-Changing, You Deserve Recourse 

When a person is afflicted with a TBI, the damage to their brain can sometimes be irreversible. Even when the damage can be healed, it is a long, painful, and often costly process. Simply put, the life-changing nature of TBI can not be overstated. Thankfully, you have many rights as an athlete if you find yourself injured during a sporting event. 

For athletes, the long-lasting blowback from a TBI is often that much more tragic. Not only can it cut a career short, but it can significantly impact an athlete’s abilities. If you’re an athlete who has been affected by a life-changing TBI, you deserve recourse. Financial support, medical bill payment and a payout for those who are likely responsible for putting you in the situation that led to you receiving a TBI should all be afforded to you. 

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Brain Injury Lawyer?

Many athletes who have been victims of situations that have ended in them receiving a TBI forgo seeking restitution due to the assumed legal costs of such an endeavor. However, many lawyers will work on contingency, and for those that do not, there are accessible ways to retain their services. New legislation is making it easier for athletes to get legal help and win cases surrounding TBI injuries. 

Courtesy fee-based lawyer support is also a possibility. While you may be spending a few thousand on legal fees for your lawsuits, the good news is that your payout will not only cover them in the long run but will help you gain the monetary support you need to lead a comfortable life post-TBI. 

Understanding how you will fund your legal expenses can be tricky. But there are always support routes for those who’ve found themselves afflicted with a traumatic brain injury, especially for younger athletes. Reaching out to those in the know within your community is highly recommended. You can also reach out to support groups for those who’ve suffered long-lasting damages from TBIs, where you can vent to other athletes who will understand what you’re going through. Finding empathetic sources of support will be crucial during your healing process. 

How Much of a Payout Can I Expect?

Legal payouts from TBI-related cases can be massive, with the average verdict being $72,168. Although, it should be noted the median amount awarded is just $13,359. Even so, the extra thousands of dollars will help you get back on the right track to lead a comfortable, healthy life. If you end up being in the one percent of those receiving payouts, you could make well over one-million dollars. 

With the payout you deserve, you’ll be able to get your post-TBI life into a stable state. Whether you need physical therapy, emotional assistance or other important medical treatments to help you down this path, your recourse will assure you’re able to lead the best life possible despite your injury. 

Do Not Wait to Hire a Brain Injury Lawyer

Waiting to hire the right brain injury lawyer could prevent valuable information from being gathered that will assist you in your case. Especially in instances where you suspect a playing field or coach might be responsible for the TBI you were afflicted with as an athlete, it’s crucial that you begin the discovery process quickly. Visit, for more information on this stressful process.

Especially for high-school athletes, the payout you’ll receive from a TBI lawsuit can help you enter your adult life with invaluable financial and legal support. Some TBIs can lead to lifelong medical problems, so never underestimating how much recourse you deserve is highly recommended. Preparation, knowledge and a support system are all necessities when you find yourself unrightfully afflicted with a traumatic brain injury. 

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