Rob Gronkowski Is Back for Another Season

Rob Gronkowski will be back for another season with the Patriots. The speculation comes after his Super Bowl comments about weighing his options out. According to ESPN, though, Rob Gronkowski will be in a Patriots uniform this season. The rift between him and Belichick still remains, however.

The “Patriot Way” Is Getting Old

Gronkowski likes to be taken out of his shell. Meaning having the power to do and say what he wants. Belichick didn’t like that Gronk told Amendola to be free and happy in a Instagram post. With everything mostly held in-house at One Patriot Place, some players are starting to get sick of the “Patriot Way”.

Bill’s way of doing things has been the same for 18 seasons. He’s brought five Super Bowls to New England and drafted the greatest quarterback of all time. However, players want to have more fun. Gronk wants to win, so as long as Brady returns, he’ll follow in suit. He won’t return next season for Belichick; he’ll be back because of Brady.

(AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)

Kraft confirmed the other day that there is tension between him and Belichick. However, there was more tension when Kraft first became the owner of the team. Let me say this- there’s no way he  would ever leave Brady stranded. He’s already lost Amendola, Edelman is coming back from injury, and who knows how Brandon Cooks will do.


Rob Gronkowski Is Tired of Belichick’s Orders

Via Bleacher ReportGronkowski and other players have tension with Belichick, but that’s not stopping Bill from doing what he thinks is best for the team. Bill has made appearances at the majority of combines and NFL camps this off-season. Why is that? Yes, because he loves the game, but there could be even something bigger happening. Bigger than just Gronkowski coming back.

Gronkowski will be back for at least two more years, as long as Brady keeps playing.

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