Something’s Bruin

Let me kick this whole thing off with some straight honesty. I am not a hockey guy.

From my vey cheap seats, here is what I know…

Icing is something that goes on a cake.

The crease is a place where you wipe.

The neutral zone is a description of my high school (ok, and college….and global) sex life…


Anyway. Playoff hockey is the best. Really. THE best. I’m a football guy by nature, but lets face some facts. Baseball completely sucks. Basketball is baseball’s younger, junkie brother. BUT, hockey – playoffs in particular -might just be the best thing in sports. The better team typically wins simply because of more hustle and tenacity. How awesome is that? Skate, push, fight harder than your opponent; and you likely will win. It’s amazing.

My brother-in-law was arguably one of the best players New England has produced and he gets it. I don’t. At all. I try…but, totally faking it. If I played this sport, I would be the guy throwing cheap shots at weak opponents and shooting pucks at hot girls on the stands for attention.

As a Bruins/Boston fan, please enjoy this. We are spoiled. So spoiled. Boston is blessed. America hates us. Good. Sorry y’all, but that’s life. Now dust off those duck boats. Its been like a hundred days since our last world champion team. Puck off!

See you Monday for Game 4. I’ll be the guy with the brand new Bs t-shirt from Kohl’s.

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About @fhmccabe

Frank McCabe is an avid relaxer and Chinese food (i.e. Mai Tai) connoisseur. When he is not tending to his ‘real’ job, his wife and three children, Frank escapes reality by writing and inventing anything “funny” that pops in his head. A former Ski Mask supermodel, Frank subscribes to the theory that life is short…and, well, that kinda sucks, doesn’t it? In his downtime Frank enjoys skinny skiing and going to bullfights on acid. Some of Frank's writings include: Book: Can I Be Frank?: An Auto-Blog-graphy, published December 2012 Screenplay: St. Patrick’s Day, 2013 WGA Registration Number: 1239438 Contributing Writer / Blogger, Can I Be Frank & Crew July 2014 – Present Contributing Writer/Blogger, Sons of Franky Cabot June 2013 – May 2014 Contributing Writer/Blogger, Boston Sports Extra August 2017 -

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