The NBA News the Deserves Some Attention

Laker for Life

LeBron James is 35 years of age, and if you look at the number of playoff games he’s played, it’s almost as if he’s 38 in NBA years, so it’s unlikely that he can play in the league for more than a half-decade or so.

And while he hasn’t openly discussed exactly how long he plans to play for, he apparently wants to play with his current team until the day he hangs up his sneakers, and puts away his mad basketball dribbling skills for good and retires.

The Lakers are James’ third team since he entered the league straight out of high school at age 18, and he apparently wants them to be his last. He recently did an Instagram live stream, and told his viewers he’ll be a Laker “for the rest of my life.”

“What NBA team would I never play for?” he said. “I’m still playing, man. Hey, I’ve got to keep all my options open, man. But right now I’ll tell you one thing: I don’t want to go nowhere besides be here, baby. Be a Laker for the rest of my life.”

This is interesting, because at the end of the day, the Lakers front office has the final say here. But have they already given James the green light to play for them as long as he remains in the league? It’s possible.

TP Wipe Out

Luka Doncic may be emerging as one of the best players, proving that he’s an MVP candidate, but his soccer skills could use a bit of work.

Doncic was born and raised in Slovenia, before moving to Spain to play for Real Madrid, so he’s been around plenty of soccer talk and pick-up games — unlike NBA’ers that have come up living in this country throughout their lives.

He tried to use the sport to inject a funny spin on the fact that literally no one in the United States can get any toilet paper — juggling a roll of it. Unfortunately for him, his eye-foot coordination could use a bit of work, and he kicked the roll a bit too far in front of him. The Mavs star tried to make up for it with a sliding attempt, but he ended up slipping and hitting the floor hard — much to the amusement of his girlfriend, Anamaria Goltes.

Too funny.


President Donald Trump turned plenty of heads when he sent a tweet about coronavirus (COVID-19), which seemed harmless at first, until he called it “the Chinese virus.”

And while the virus did originate in Wuhan, China, it’s unfair to mislabel the name of it, as it might lead to some xenophobia, heckling or even violence toward the Chinese — especially in America.

That’s why Chinese Americans have been speaking out about Trump’s tweet, with Jeremy Lin the most recent to do so. Lin was born in Torrance, Calif., and had a long career in the NBA, until recently, when he began playing for the Beijing Ducks. And while he may be on the other side of the world, he had plenty to say about POTUS, accusing him of inciting racism.

That take might be a bit extreme, but Lin does have a point there.

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