Tired of Facebook? Join Sports Reddit Communities

Reddit will never catch Facebook in views per month. Facebook is a behemoth organization that trades stock while Reddit remains a non-public company.

But for sports fans, Reddit has become the premier choice. One of the reasons? Facebook is cluttered, busy, and has become an advertiser’s dream. Reddit promotes conversation and has a much different business model than traditional social media sites.

On Facebook, we follow individuals. Those same individuals, if they care, or if we care, follow us back. That’s how we build our “community.” Facebook makes most of its money by selling advertising.

So if you like Nike products, Facebook says, “Ah-ha! So-and-so liked the pair of shoes, which happen to be a pair of Nikes. So, Nike, why you don’t give us $1 million, and we’ll keep sending so-and-so ads for your products?”

The example is to the extreme, but you get the idea. Unlike Facebook, Reddit creates communities based on the subject or topic, which means you can search for the issue first, join the subreddit, the community for that topic, and then start a conversation.

It’s challenging to get canceled on Reddit because posts are on specific community pages. They don’t go to a community of followers. Now it makes sense why sports fans have begun to use Reddit more than Facebook.

Keep reading to discover how to find specific sports communities on Reddit. Then, read about some of the more exciting subreddits for Boston sports teams. We also take a look at the r/sportsbook community.  

Finding specific sports reddits

It’s simple to start a search for sports subreddits. Head to Reddit Sports. There, you’ll find a subreddit on every imaginable sport.

Not only are their NFL and NBA communities, but there are also communities for boxing, soccer, and NASCAR. There are even communities for MotoGP, racquetball, bowling, and fencing. 

Any sport you like, you can find on the Reddit Sports link. Start there if you don’t have a specific sport or sports team in mind. 

If you do have a specific sport or sports league in mind, search for it. If you want to check out the NFL, search for “NFL.” If you’re going to get as specific as possible, you can type r/ followed by “NFL.” 

Find Boston based sports subreddits via the same process

You can find sports teams in Boston using the same method. Super Bowl LV happened on February 7. New England’s former quarterback, Tom Brady, led the Buccaneers to a 31-9 win against the Kansas City Chiefs.

If we wish to wallow in misery with your fellow Patriot fans, search for the New England Patriots. The results of the search bring up three subreddits. 

The r/NewEnglandPatriots has 3,000 members. The r/Patriots has 554,000 members. Other communities that include the name Patriots or New England teams connected to the Pats also show up, including r/newyorkjets, r/miamidolphins, and r/DenverBroncos. 

If you want to search for the Bruins, type in Boston Bruins. Next to r/BostonBruins is the community description, “Home to the largest Boston Bruins fan base.”

On r/Boston Bruins, you can communicate with other Bruin fans. So far, the Bruins are having an excellent 2021. If you wish to discuss where you believe the team is headed, start a conversation.  

A search for the Boston Red Sox yields a couple of Red Sox communities, r/bostonredsox with 376 members and r/redsox with 81,300 members. The third subreddit that pops up is r/NYYankees. 

The Yankees Reddit community has 82,000 members. If you click on view more, you’ll see reddits for the Baltimore Orioles, St. Louis Cardinals, Toronto Blue Jays, and other MLB teams.

Finding sportsbook reddits

Finding a bookmaker that offers free betting software is relatively easy. Search for sportsbooks or sportsbook. The subreddit r/sportsbook has 197,000 members. 

The community r/sportsbetting has 64,000 members. Start your search there. Discuss with fellow players and see if you can find a bookie that provides options that interests you. 

For example, if you want to bet on cricket, the second most popular sport globally, strike up a conversation and discuss cricket betting. There’s also a r/cricketbetting community, but it has only one-hundred members.

When searching for a bookmaker on Reddit, look for bookies that use sportsbook software. You can find them on the site by talking to other sportsbook enthusiasts. PayPerHead sportsbook agents, those who use the software, are more likely to offer betting options on the sport of your choice.

They also have more flexibility when it comes to odds than companies like DraftKings or BetMGM. Larger organizations don’t have the time to provide the best customer service. 

Not only that, but some gambling sites had trouble on Super Bowl Sunday. When the next big event comes around, you want to make sure you can place your bet.

Whether you bet on sports or not, Reddit is a great place to find like-minded sports fans. Sign-up and join the subreddit communities for your favorite sports leagues and teams. 

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