When Is It Necessary To Replace Golf Clubs?

Golfers generally have three sets of clubs in their bag, irons, drivers/woods, and putters. Each club can be divided into three sections, the shaft, head, and grip. Each section contributes to the usability of the golf club, and if one of them is worn out, it will influence the other two. For instance, if the shaft and grip of the driver are still in good condition, but the head is worn out, the likelihood of making good contact with the golf ball is substantially reduced.

What Are The Signs Of You Needing An Upgrade On Your Driver?

  • An unpredictable ball flight when utilizing the driver might be to do with your swing; however, if you have all the basics in place, it may be an indication that your driver is worn out. If you have been playing as you should with the driver or have been hitting equal shots consistently and nothing has changed recently. Still, the ball keeps traveling inconsistently in the air or landing, short; then, it is a sure sign that your driver requires an upgrade.
  • Be sure to check the face of your driver. Do you notice any signs of wear or stress on it? If this is the case, it can lead to a loss of consistency and distance. It is not uncommon for a driver’s face to crack, and in some instances, it won’t be noticeable to the casual eye. If the driver is not performing as it should inspect it carefully at the face, and if you notice signs of stress, it is time to invest in a new driver. Be sure to check out this review on the Ping G400 irons.
  • Think about how often the driver is used and the stress that is being placed on the shaft of the golf club. The driver creates the most force among the clubs in the bag, and this could often result in bending of the shaft, mainly when you play off rubber mats at the driving range. The shaft of the driver is manufactured for withstanding this; however, over time, they start showing signs of wear and can cause inconsistent shots. However, in some cases, it’s possible only to have the shaft on the driver replaced if the remainder of the club is still in good condition instead of buying an entirely new driver iron.
  • Some drivers can simply go defective as a result of excessive use over time. If you frequently practice with your driver on the range as well as utilizing it a lot on the course, this alone can affect the functionality of the driver over time. There may not be visible signs of substantial wear showing on the face of the driver, however, if you’re having trouble with reaching distance as you did before, the driver might have given up the ghost and lost its power.

Groove Sharpening Tool

It happens that the grooves on your iron, particularly the wedges can start showing signs of wear. In this case, you can try utilizing a groove sharpening tool. It is not illegal to use a groove sharpening tool, as long as you only use them to attempt to restore the face of your most forgiving golf clubs and not change it in any way.

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