When You’re Trying to Get Discovered By the Celtics, But Studies Are Getting In the Way

It’s an age-old problem: a college athlete wants to get discovered, but his grades are slipping. If they slip too far, he’s off the team. If he’s off the team, he will never get discovered. If a career in sports isn’t in the cards, he had better get his degree, but if his grades are slipping…

It’s enough to make any aspiring college athlete’s head spin. The good news, though, is that it doesn’t have to. Is it possible to have a growing sports team experience and get good grades? It is if you follow the advice in this article. Keep reading, and you’ll be able to keep the dream alive!

It Starts With a Decision

The big question that needs to be answered before we go any further is simple: how badly do you want both? Today’s message isn’t about avoiding responsibility; it’s about meeting all of your responsibilities and placing priority on all of the important ones and how each one relates to basketball. This article outlines the kinds of things scouts look for in future NBA players. Let’s look at how a few of the points relate to study as well as the game.

Academic Intelligence vs. Basketball Intelligence

As scouting for the Indiana Pacers, Ryan Carr cites a team’s “Basketball IQ” as “a player’s ability to limit mistakes.” It should be easy to see how this concept relates both to basketball as well as academics.

Neglecting classwork is a mistake. Thinking the process has shortcuts a mistake. While some professors are sympathetic to the pressure under which athletes often find themselves, many more assert that academics should take precedent. Those professors are less prone to make exceptions or give concessions on things like assignment due dates and letter grades.

The lesson here is clear: you can’t neglect any of your responsibilities. Having the right attitude toward academics limits the mistakes that lead to failure. Assuring that you pass all your classes also assures that basketball remains part of your academic life.

Knowing Your Limitations

The road to the NBA is difficult and may never see their dreams come to fruition for frivolous reasons. Most of the time, it takes the form of insisting on more than the player is capable of handling.

Players often strive for positions on teams for Division 1 schools but don’t have the skills to perform well enough on those teams. Those same players sometimes make the wrong choice to either give up the dream entirely or refuse placement on Division 2 or 3 teams, even with the promise of a full scholarship.

Taking Appropriate Action Toward Success

If you find yourself stuck in a class where you’re struggling, the best thing to do is acknowledge it and do what is necessary to pass. ” What? Is someone going to write my work for me?” Well, perhaps, if that’s what it takes. There are services like https://essaypro.com/write-my-essay.html that exist for that exact purpose.

If writing is your weak suit, get help with it. If test taking is your Achilles Heel, get with a tutor or get into a study group ASAP. Finally, be prepared to do better in some classes than others. If a C is indeed your best, accept it. You can pull up your GPA with other classes. This relates to accepting a Division 3 spot when you’re gunning for Division 1.

We hope that today’s message provides you with enough information to make intelligent, informed choices about your future. Remember that every part of college life matters. A shot at the pros is never guaranteed. Work hard in the classroom and on the court, and whether you make it onto the Celtics or not, you win.

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