Research shows that 80% of the population will experience back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain is the third most common reason for a visit to the doctor’s office and can affect you at any age, whether in your youth or your senior years – even if you are in the prime of your life. 

Back pain is also one of the most common causes of missed work and disability claims. Back pain can be debilitating to your income, your ability to function in everyday activities, and even to your emotional well being. Back pain can affect your ability to sleep and can easily exacerbate stress-related problems. 

So what can you do about it? Daily life can, by default, create certain physical stresses. How you work, whether in a physically demanding field or in an office, can be stressful on your back – especially if you sit in one position all day. Fortunately, some exercises can help alleviate the pain and discomfort.

One important thing to remember is muscle balance. The muscles around and opposite to your back muscles require strengthening to relieve strain and provide adequate support. Keeping your abdominals and glutes strong, in particular, can help ease the strain on your back. 


Bridges work your glutes and can help support your back. They also help stretch important tendons in your lower back. To perform a bridge, take the following steps: 

  • Lie on your back, feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent
  • Keep your arms flat on the floor and raise your hips and pelvis into the air with your feet flat
  • Make sure your shoulders remain on the ground and flex your buttocks
  • Lower to the ground and rest
  • Repeat

Knee to Chest

One of the most effective stretches for your lower back, knee-to-chest stretches can help elongate and straighten your spine and release tension in your lower lumbar. 

  • Lie on your back, knees bent
  • Pull one knee to your chest with both hands as you stretch your other leg straight
  • Press your spine flat and hold for 5 seconds
  • Release. Relax. Repeat with the opposite leg

Downward Dog

This stretch with help elongate your spine and release tension at the base of your back

  • Kneel on the floor on all fours, knees under your hips and hands under your shoulders
  • Slowly move backward until your bottom is at your heels
  • Try to keep your neck and back straight as you sink into position
  • Hold the pose for one deep even breath
  • Only stretch as far as feels comfortable
  • Return to starting position
  • Repeat

Cat Stretch

Cat stretches also help to strengthen and lengthen your back. They can release tension and build supportive muscle groups, as well as open your shoulders. 

  • Get on your hands and knees, keeping your knees under your hips
  • Slowly arch your back, gently curving from neck to tailbone
  • Pull your belly button up towards your spine
  • Hold and breathe deep
  • Relax letting your middle sag
  • Repeat

Press Up Extension

Moving your spine in each direction will help keep it tension free and build the surrounding supportive muscles, keeping the ligaments from going stiff.

  • Lie flat on your stomach with your elbows bent
  • Keep your pelvis to the floor and gently press your chest up with a straight neck, resting on your forearms
  • Push on your hands and arch your back stretching through your stomach 
  • Breath and hold for five to ten seconds
  • Relax to the floor
  • Repeat 

Knee Rolls

Your spine doesn’t just bend back and forth — it also twists. Engaging these muscles is important to bodily comfort. 

  • Lie on your back. Use a small cushion to elevate your head with your chin slightly tucked and neck relaxed
  • Lay your arms outstretched to the sides and flat on the floor
  • Keep your knees together and bent
  • Keep your shoulders to the floor and gently roll your knees together to the side towards the floor
  • Stretch and hold for a deep breath
  • Return to starting position and alternate sides
  • Repeat 

Superman Stretch

Good posture can be incredibly important in an office where you sit for most of the day. The extensor muscles run along the sides of your spine and are critical in ensuring and maintaining good posture. This stretch can help keep these muscles limber and strong. 

  • Lie face down on the ground, legs straight and arms outstretched overhead
  • Keep your neck straight, look at the floor, and lift your hands and feet off the ground by six inches
  • Try and engage your abdominals, and pull your belly button away from the floor. 
  • Stretch out along with your hands and feet.
  • Hold for two to three seconds.
  • Relax
  • Repeat 

You can take many steps to deal with back pain. A good mattress and a relaxed, tension-free sleep position can go a long way. Visit this site to check out mattresses for athletes. Gentle back exercises release tension build-up and help strengthen supportive muscle groups to keep tension from building throughout your day. Make a routine of these simple floor exercises to manage back pain and enjoy better comfort in all parts of everyday function. Your back supports you in almost everything you do. Isn’t it time to start supporting your back?