Protein-rich foods: meet 10 of them and learn how to use them in your diet

It is okay that protein is the main item of diets that promise great weight loss in a short time, but do not forget that it is much more than a means to get to weight loss. Composed of amino acid chains, protein is very important for a healthy life, being able, among other things, to influence the capacity of muscle contraction, production of antibodies and construction of new tissues.

The ideal amount of protein to consume per day varies according to the characteristics and the organism of each one; but in theory ranges from 0.8 to 1.2 grams per pound that the person weighs. That is, someone of 60 kg should consume between 48 and 72 grams of protein per day. In addition, because they are amino acid combinations, in order for the fraction to take place properly and the nutrients to be absorbed, we should avoid the intake of liquids during the meals – which dilutes the gastric juice – and to chew the foods well.

If you are interested in including the protein in a healthy way in your routine, see the following list. However there are always more practical ways, one of which is by consuming protein bars. To find out more, just click on Here are 10 protein-rich foods that you can add to your daily menu.

Soy (34g protein per 100g)

Soy is an important vegetable protein, but you have to be aware of intolerance to it. Since most of the production is transgenic, most people are not yet accustomed to the digestion of this food. It is recommended not to consume too much.

Shrimp (24g protein per 100g)

Shrimp is high in protein but should not be consumed daily because it has higher cholesterol than in other options like some fish. On the other hand, it has omega 3 (good fat). It is recommended to eat up to twice a week; preferably, prepared in the steam.

Chicken (23g protein per 100g)

To make it even healthier, the nutróloga Ana Luisa advises to give preference to the consumption without skin and, especially, to the chest, to avoid the excessive intake of fat. The best ways of preparation are roasted, grilled or try this simple batter recipe. One tip is to consume it with salads.

Salmon (21.62g protein per 100g)

For the adept of strenuous physical activities, such as bodybuilding, you can take the canned salmon which provides faster muscle recovery thanks to the amount of omega 3 it contains. The ideal is to consume roasted or grilled. For healthy eating, you can accompany brown rice and broccoli.

Almond (21.1g protein per 100g)

Protein has a very important characteristic: it gives satiety. So when we can put a little more protein in the food, it takes time to feel hungry. We suggest five to six units of almonds before meals, which will help you feel satiated. But you can’t overdo it so you do not slip on the calories.

Red Meat (21g protein per 100g)

The best protein sources are of animal origin. When you say that, it’s easy to remember red meat. However, it is also high in saturated fats. Prefer lean and fat-free options. The ideal is to consume it, on average, three times a week. The meats, in general, are sources of protein responsible for forming collagen and keratin, thus giving strength to their hair, preventing against falling and baldness.

Fish (20g protein per 100g)

They are great foods, without contraindications. But it is better to opt for the preparation in the oven, cooking or on the grill. Eating fish that have scales and fins, such as herring, salmon, guinea fowl, cod and tuna, is a great choice because the scales work as a barrier to the absorption of toxins.

Tofu (8.1 g protein per 100 g)

It can be added to the diet in natura, cooked or braised without changing its nutritional properties. But the doctor recommends choosing only a portion of soy-based food to consume daily: a cup of soy milk or a half cup of tofu (soy cheese) or 100g of cooked soybeans (five tablespoons).

Cow’s milk (8g protein per 100g)

Milk and its derivatives, such as cheeses and yogurts, help to enrich meals by being made up of nearly equal parts of protein, carbohydrates and fats – making foods very complete, according to the nutrologist. Milk and yogurt options and white cheese versions should be prioritized because they have less fat.

Eggs (6g per unit)

Eggs are also rich in vitamin B12, which is needed to promote fat reduction and help build muscle, choline (an excellent substance for good brain function), and albumin. Prefer consumption in its cooked form, especially the yolk, as this avoids problems with the bacterium Salmonella. Escape the fried form or accompanied by too much cheese, not to raise cholesterol. Although the limits of intake are still discussed, we suggest up to four units per week on alternate days.

Hopefully the above list can help you to maintain the protein content in your body.

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